To guarantee you a berth in the Aquatica marina, we recommend that you make a booking.
In addition, please contact us on VHF ch 74 before entering the port, and we will provide assistance with one of our dinghies both for mooring and for refuelling.
We have 60 berths measuring up to 70 m in length, equipped with water and electricity. Our highly competent staff will give you a 5-star service.
Once you have experienced the hospitality of the marina, you are sure to be convinced of the advantages of leaving your vessel with us throughout the winter season.
Our company will also provide you with support on the scheduled and emergency maintenance of your yacht.
Aquatica's experienced staff members will also be on hand to help you with the rental or purchase of new or used sailboats or motorboats, with excursions by sea or on land, and with diving in the local area. We will give you the best advice to allow yout to make the most of your time on the Italian island of Sardinia.



Servizio antincendio


Servizio radio VHF

Servizio meteo

Ricarica bombole

Vigilanza e sicurezza imbarcazioni

Courtesy car

Servizio navetta


Distributore ghiaccio

Prenotazioni e biglietteria


Ritiro rifiuti

Internet Wi-Fi Point

Accessori nautici


Noleggio barche vela

Bunkeraggio 8.00-13.00 - 15.00-20.00

Rimessaggio meccanico
