About us
Aquatica was established in 1998 on the initiative of a group of young entrepreneurs who decided to pool the experience they had accumulated in the nautical and tourist sectors. The company's main solutions include the provision of all nautical and hospitality services required by those visiting the Port of Alghero on yachts and other pleasure craft.
Thanks to the professional experience it can leverage, Aquatica is making a substantial contribution to the development of the hospitality industry in Alghero and to the port's reputation for excellent marine services.
Aquatica is now the leading provider of Marina & Yacht Services on the western coast of Sardinia, the go-to business for the international yachting fraternity and the supplier of choice for boatyards, charter companies, agents and marine specialists. A respected partner of yacht clubs, ports and marinas, Aquatica offers assistance to universities, nature reserves, marine protected areas and insurance companies and works with the local maritime authorities, the Coastguard and the Guardia di Finanza (the military corps dealing with customs, excise and tax crimes).
Aquatica is Sardinia Yacht Services Alghero.
We are also the Honorary Local Rappresentative for the GBR Cruising Association and Trans -Ocean D.
Our guests include + Lady Lola, Talisman c, Walkirie, Domani, Callisto, Cap de Quer and Orion.